' Deploy Your Web App to the Apple App Store with Capacitor - udemy free coupon
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Deploy Your Web App to the Apple App Store with Capacitor - udemy free coupon

Deploy Your Web App to the Apple App Store with Capacitor

What you'll learn
How to take an existing web application and deploy to the App Store to run on Apple iOS devices.
Course content
1 section • 8 lectures • 35m total length
Creating the App Store App
Uploading to the App Store
AppStore Connect Details
App Icon and Splash Screen
Screen Shots and Final Submission
Bonus Materials
Have an existing web application built with a responsive design.
Own a Mac - You can't build for iOS without one.
Be a registered Apple Developer with a paid subscription.
I don't want to waste your time!

This whirlwind course is all about one thing and one thing only. Getting your web application onto the Apple App Store, where it will then be available to the tens of millions of iOS users all over the world.

How are you going to do that? With Capacitor from Ionic.

Capacitor is a newer technology that will allow you to wrap an existing web application into an Xcode project and then deploy it to the Apple App Store. This course will cover the basics you need to take one of your own web apps (or you can use one of mine if you prefer).

When you're done, you'll be able to replicate the process with every web app you want to put in the hands of iOS owners everywhere.

Who this course is for:
Any existing web developers who want to target a larger audience for their applications.


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