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The DevOPS Essentials - udemy free coupon - free coupon [100% Off]

The DevOPS Essentials - udemy free coupon

Publisher : Anand Nednur

Price : $19

Course Language : English


Skill level: Beginner Level
Students: 40
Languages: English
Captions: No
Lectures: 9
Video: 1 total hour
Get Udemy certificate by completing entire course

Available on iOS and Android

DevOps is a buzz word these days. If you are working in cloud environment , then you really cannot get away from this "Buzz Word" .

It is paramount that you have a clear understanding of the terminlogies used in the DevOps world. Various jargons used in the DevOps World may be daunting . You will hear about "Continuous Integration", "Build Automation", and "Orchestration" from the Developers .

You may be part of the Scrum calls and you will hear engineers talking about issue reported in tools like  Jenkins, Ansible, and Chef

This course is a basic introduction to the DevOps essentials everyone must know. By the end of this course, you will have a working knowledge of usage of DevOps in the IT World. We will cover the various practiecs and tools associated with DevOps. You would also know about the relationship between DevOps and Cloud (AWS and Azure).

If you are new to DevOps and you are searching for a real time course that would give you a kick start into your DevOps Career or If you have been in IT world for quite some time and you want to learn all about DevOps , the your search has ended. This will also act as a quick refresher for any one who  already working in DevOps.

I suggest that you take a look at the preview videos to understand if this course fits in your technical domain and interest areas.

Thank you and I welcome you to this course.

Happy Learning.

What you’ll learn
Gain a solid Understanding of DevOps Practices
Learn about Continuous Integration and Delivery and its role in DevOps
DevOps terminology
The History and various roles in DevOps
At the end of this course students will be able to act as facilitator to the DevOps Functions
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Basic Knowledge of functioning of IT
Access to internet in order to research further
Who this course is for:
AnyOne who is passionate about learning new trends in technology
Any body New to the world of Devops and Cloud


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