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Crash Course Template Development and Bootstrap 4 Bootcamp - udemy free coupon

Crash Course Template Development and Bootstrap 4 Bootcamp

Crash Course Template Development and Bootstrap 4 Bootcamp

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Publisher : Gerrit Vermeulen

Price : $109

Course Language : English


Why should you use Bootstrap 4?

Let's be honest, creating a template is really hard, especially if you need to create a template that works with all the different screen sizes. From desktop browsers to tablets and mobile devices. It can be horrific, but using bootstrap makes life easier.

It has Fewer Cross-browser bugs

It’s a consistent framework that supports major of all browsers and CSS compatibility fixes

Lightweight and customizable

Responsive structures and styles

Several JavaScript plugins using the jQuery

Good documentation and community support

Loads of free and professional templates

And my most favourite, it has a great grid system

Through this course, I will show you how to use Bootstrap 4 and you’ll be able to customize it.


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