' Make A Responsive Website From Scratch: Javascript and HTML | 100% Off Udemy Coupons
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موقع ملوك الطبخ يقدم أشهى وأسهل وصفات الطبخ من جميع وصفات طبخ سريعة و شهية الاصناف . سواء الاطباق الرئيسية او الحلويات الغربية والشرقية وغيرها

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Make A Responsive Website From Scratch: Javascript and HTML | 100% Off Udemy Coupons

Make A Responsive Website From Scratch: Javascript and HTML | 100% Off Udemy Coupons
Make A Responsive Website From Scratch: Javascript and HTML | 100% Off Udemy Coupons

 Make A Responsive Website From Scratch: Javascript and HTML | 100% Off Udemy Coupons

What you'll learn
  • How to build a responsive website using HTML, CSS and Javascript

  • A solid foundation in HTML(e.g. recognize what <section></section> means)
  • A solid foundation in CSS(e.g. know the difference between position: relative and position: absolute)
  • Some prior exposure to Javascript and JQuery
  • You will be required to download JQuery and Google Maps for this course. Both of these are available free. Although I have included these files in the source code, I suggest you also learn to download them yourself so you will know where to get the correct files for future projects
Do you want to become an expert web developer?
Or maybe you’ve begun learning HTML, CSS and even Javascript but are still not sure exactly how to apply it to a real-world project?
If so, you've come to the right place! This course will guide you step by step in creating a responsive website COMPLETELY from scratch.

Okay, so what’s the course about?
In this course, we will create a responsive restaurant website from scratch using HTML, CSS and Javascript/JQuery.
After completing this website, you can be certain:
  • you are proficient with HTML/CSS
  • you are familiar with responsive web design
  • you possess strong JavaScript skills 
  • and much more!
By enrolling in this course, you will have my COMPLETE support. I love helping students out and am ready to answer any question you may have: programming issues, errors, general programming advice - it doesn't matter!

Finally, you’ll discover that programming websites is a lot of fun and I know you'll have a great time implementing your own unique ideas as well as the ones we implement together.
What are you waiting for?

Who this course is for:
  • Developers with some experience in HTML, CSS and Javascript


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