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HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript Course - udemy free coupo [100% Off]
HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript Course - udemy free coupo [100% Off]
About this course
A Complete Step by Step Guide for Beginners to get started with HTML5, CSS3, & JavaScript in-depth.
By the numbers
Skill level: All Levels
Students: 1784
Languages: English
Captions: Yes
Lectures: 85
Video: 4.5 total hours
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Available on iOS and Android
This HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript Complete Guide will help you build Responsive, Modern, Interactive websites. Here you will learn how to build websites from beginner to advanced level. This course also covers the most important parts of front-end web development.
In the HTML5 Section you will learn the essentials of complete HTML and HTML5 step by step. You will learn how to use HTML5’s best featured to create a modern and interactive website.
In the CSS3 section you will learn how to style and modernize your website for better view-ability and create website responsiveness with RWD (Responsive Web Design).
In the JavaScript Section you will learn to integrate user interactivity to engage users on your site with more accuracy. JavaScript has become the modern scripting language of year 2020. This JavaScript section will help you get started with exactly what is needed.
What you’ll learn
Build a complete Responsive Website with HTML5, CSS3, & JavaScript
You will learn HTML and HTML5 Core concepts
You will learn to make your own layouts from scratch
You will learn Complete HTML, CSS, and JavaScript essential components
You will learn to create RWD website from scratch
You will learn to code efficiently with HTML & CSS
You will learn to create your own scripts with JavaScript
You will learn to add interactivity to any website
You will learn the essentials of using JavaScript
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
You need a Desktop / Laptop
You need a decent internet connectivity
Who this course is for:
Anyone who is interested to learn to build websites
Anyone who wants to extend their web development skills
Anyone who wants to build their own website
Anyone who wants learn how to code
Anyone starting their career in web developme