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Free After Effects Beginners Course
Free After Effects Beginners Course
In this After Effects training course, professional motion graphics editor, marketer and entrepreneur Anish
Kokani takes you from zero to hero.No experience in After Effects or video editing is needed to take this cou
rse. You don't even need After Effects. You'll learn how to get a free trial version of After Effects to follow along.
By the numbers
Skill level: Beginner Level
Students: 6101
Languages: English
Captions: Yes
Lectures: 9
Video: 44 total mins
In this After Effects training course, professional motion graphics editor, marketer and entrepreneur Anish Kokani takes you from zero to hero.No experience in After Effects or video editing is needed to take this course. You don't even need After Effects. You'll learn how to get a free trial version of After Effects to follow along.
What you’ll learn
In this After Effects training course, professional motion graphics editor Anish Kokani takes you from zero to hero. No experience in After Effects or video editing is needed to take this course. You don't even need After Effects. You'll learn how to get a free trial version of After Effects to follow along. Here is a glimpse of what we'll be covering: After Effects program layout + basics Adding layers and working with transform tools Creating unique shapes with motion Exporting with transparency Exporting for YouTube and so much more! Knowing After Effects is a great skill to have that is in demand and highly marketable. I've landed many jobs with the skills that I teach you in this course.
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
PC or Mac Free Trial of After Effects After Effects Creative Cloud, CS6, CS5, CS4, or CS3
Who this course is for:
Video Editors Videographers Filmmakers Storytellers Designers